The Latest Version of Reunion 9
Reunion 9.0c is the latest revision of Reunion 9 (uploaded 23 Aug 2010)
Reunion 13, a major upgrade, is now available. Click here for details.
Before downloading an update for Reunion 9...
Please make sure you don't already have the latest version of Reunion 9. To check your current version, single-click the Reunion 9 application file (in your Applications folder) and choose
In the Get Info window, look for the Version in the General section.Note: if you missed a maintenance update, there is no need to download any update you missed. For example, if you're using 9.08 and you missed 9.09, 9.0a and 9.0b, you may download 9.0c and it will contain everything from the updates you skipped.
After downloading...
Click here for detailed installation instructions.
Click this link to download...
If you have problems downloading (such as a screen of gibberish, a partial download, or if you get an error about a corrupted file), you should delete the incomplete download and try the Safari web browser. If that doesn't work, try pressing the Control key on your keyboard and click the link again. Choose the Download Linked File option (or something similar) from the menu. If you have another web browser, or another version of your web browser, you could try that. Sometimes, just quitting and restarting the browser will help.